Your journey starts here
We're delighted that you are considering choosing The Brooksbank School. Starting secondary school is a huge milestone and can be a worrying time.
We do all we can to make the applications and settling in process as painless as possible.
How to apply
All applications to our school are handled through the Calderdale Council schools admission system, with one round of admissions each year.
To apply, you must complete an application form.
The application window for September 2025 has now closed. Further details for September 2026 will be published soon.
What if I do not get offered a place?
If you are unsuccessful in getting a place at Brooksbank in the school allocations in March, you can ask Calderdale Council for your child to be added to the re-allocation list, and if still unsuccessful, may appeal the decision.
Initially, requests should be made via the reallocation form. The deadline for the initial round of reallocation requests is in mid March, and parents are informed of the outcome by Calderdale Council in late March. Requests received after the deadline are considered in the order they are received.
You can indicate your intention to appeal via the reallocation form, or by emailing school. You can then present your case to an independent appeals panel. These appeal hearings will be held in June.
In year transfers
If a place is available it is sometimes possible to transfer into Brooksbank during the school year, or beyond Year 7. Further information about this process can be found on the Calderdale Council website.
When no places are available, we operate a waiting list system and decisions on places are made according to the oversubscription criteria in our admissions policy.
Admission Under Sporting Aptitude Criterion
The Brooksbank School can take up to 10% of each Year 7 admissions based on sporting aptitude where spaces are available.
The students accessing this route will receive the same high quality academic provision as other students as well as;
An extensive and successful extra-curricular programme.
Well-developed school/club links and support from national governing bodies.
Where applicable, personal support to assist with school/sport issues concerned with specific competitions or training in school time.
Master classes with high performance coaches.
Students From Nominated Feeder Schools
If your child is already attending one of our nominated primary feeder schools:
When you complete the common preference form for your choice of secondary school make sure you put The Brooksbank School down as a preference.
Make sure you submit the common preference form on time to the LEA – late applications will not be dealt with until after the first allocation process.
Students NOT From Nominated Feeder Schools
If your child attends another primary school and he/she would like the opportunity to be offered a place here under the sporting aptitude criterion
You will need to complete an application form for entry under the sporting criteria and return it to the school by the date shown on the form – click here for the form or contact the school and ask for one to be sent to you
The tests for sporting aptitude will be held early October. The results will be sent out before you have to submit your common preference form.
You must ensure that you make The Brooksbank School one of your preferences on the common preference form.
Ensure you submit your common preference form to the Local Authority by the deadline.
You are strongly advised to attend the open evening in the September prior to your child making the transition to secondary school to find out more about the application process.
For more advice, please contact the Admissions Team:
Calderdale MBC - School Admissions
School Organisation and Access Officers
01422 392617
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Town Hall