Effective governance makes good schools great.
As part of Together Learning Trust, our governance structure comprises of a trust board, and a local governing committee for each school, who support our schools to be as good as we can be.
The trust board is accountable for our school, and committed to ensuring that every member of staff can flourish and every child receives excellent education and care. They work closely with the central executive team, school leaders, local governing committees and school communities. Collaboration and accountability is hard wired into our structure – find out more on the Together Learning Trust website.
Our local governing committee provides representation from parents, staff and the community who bring a range of skills and experiences to the table. They meet four times a year, and the capacity and skills of our governing committee are reviewed regularly to ensure that we are doing the best for our schools.
This section deals exclusively with our school’s Local Governing Committee, to provide a broad outline of the role of Local Governors and how they work with the Headteacher and staff to best serve and support our community.
What do Governors do?
Local governors play an important part in the leadership of our school and their role is a strategic one. Their key functions are:
Setting the strategic vision, aims and objectives of the school in line with those of Together Learning Trust.
Systematically reviewing and taking responsibility for the continuous improvement and high standards regarding:
Student Outcomes
Special Educational Needs and Disability Pupils (SEND)
Disadvantaged (Pupil Premium) Pupils
Behaviour, Culture and Attendance
Student Wellbeing
Staff Wellbeing
Community Engagement
Health & Safety and Premises
Finance – Value for Money
Governors form a link between the school community and the trustees, holding both the school and the trust to account.
Individual governors may have a specific area of responsibility such as Safeguarding, known as a ‘link governor’. School staff and parents are represented on the governing body, elected by their peers.
In order to do this, governors need to gain knowledge of how their school operates through training, by attending meetings, and by getting to know their school community, for example through a small number of visits to the school during the school day.
Local Governing Committee Information
Debra Todd - Co-Chair / Wellbeing
Steve Fenton - Co-Chair / Careers
John Bradley – Safeguarding/ Curriculum/Behaviour
Sandra Quarmby – SEND
Mark Holdsworth - Health and Safety
Vicky Sutcliffe - Personal Development
Jayne Riley – Support Staff Governor
Katherine Huggett – Staff Governor
Sam Roberts - Clerk
Darren Atkinson – Head of School
Contact us
If you wish to make contact with our local governing committee please do so via admin@brooksbank.tlt.school.
If you'd like to know more about the role of school governors in general, or if you are interested in becoming one, visit the Together Learning Trust for more information or email admin@tlt.school.